For more than 40 years, Hermes-Epitek (the parent company of AIBT) has continuously put effort into researching and developing equipment relating to ion beam, electron beam, and neutron beam and has showcased fruitful achievements.In addition,Hermes-Epitek has conducted extensive and in-depth investments in the research and development of compound semiconductors in upstream, midstream, and downstream production phases. The company’s investments have always been aimed at resolving issues of next-generation industrial technology. Hermes-Epitek has chosen a path that no ordinary company would take, and yet the hard work of the past 20 years is continually reflected in the results of the company’s investments, with compound semiconductors to become the brand-new focus of the next decade.

Interview report:
Hermes-Epitek Advances on the World Stage with Materials, Substrates, and Key Manufacturing Equipment